Tuesday, December 29, 2009

An hour a day?

Recently our Pastor asked if we could each pray for an hour per day, for twenty four days.  He also asked if we would try to cover every hour of the day, or all twenty four hours.  We did this before, about three years ago.

I was just wondering how many people really ever pray for an hour per day?  Does this seem like an incredibly long time to talk to God?  In Daniel 6:10 it says that Daniel got down on his knees and prayed three times every day, even in captivity in Babylon, and was thrown into the lions den for doing so.  Of course we know that God sent angels to close the mouths of the lions and Daniel survived.

We who live in America have nothing to fear.  As of yet it is still okay to pray, at least at home and in church.

I must admit, I don't always pray an hour each day normally.  I have prayed for an hour, and I have prayed for two hours, but it is not my daily routine.  I have a tendency to communicate with God as if he is sitting next to me listening, or reading my thoughts.  I tend to pray as things come into my mind.

I have given it much thought though, and an hour a day does not seem like very much time when we put  it into perspective.  If you watch television for two or three hours a day, it is likely that you spent twenty to forty minutes watching commercials for things you have no interest in.  I could have been praying instead.

James 5:16 says; Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.

Just think how powerful the Body of Christ would be if every Christian in the world prayed for an hour each day. 

Praying for healing and deliverance, and peace and the love of brothers and sisters in every nation, praying for God's will in us, and in the Earth.  I think God would would be very pleased, and I think He would bless us even more than we are already blessed.

I am going to start praying right now, I need some quality time, alone with my Father.

Philippians 1:4
In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy

God bless us all!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Jesus Saves

When I was first saved, I tried to go out and save everyone else.  I failed miserably because I couldn't give them what they needed, I only knew what God had done for me.

What I failed to realize, was that I couldn't save them at all.  I was only human, I was a sinner, a failure for most of my life, and the person who saved me wasn't a person at all, at least not in my lifetime.  Jesus Christ saved me.  He chose the time and the place.  He knew my heart and my heart condition.  He knew how hard and how far I had to fall.

Jesus has given me great compassion for those who are going through troubled times, and those who have broken hearts, and sometimes I want to try to fix it all by myself.

Today I was awakened again to the true Savior who is Jesus Christ.  I tried to fix something/someone, but made some errors in my own judgement, and not only did not fix the problem, but lost someones trust.

It was because I placed my trust in myself and not in Jesus.  I trusted my intuition, instead of trusting God.

No matter what we do, God's will always prevails

Our part is to pray and to try to intercede with him that His plan will bring us to righteousness, and the marriage supper of the Lamb.

God bless me and forgive me.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

A Vision Lost-No, Just Misplaced!

Five years ago when I was getting ready to retire, I applied for a passport that I have yet to use.  I wanted to go to Israel in the worst way.  I wanted to bring the Jewish people to Christ.  I wanted to show them verse by verse how the Old Testament prophecies were fulfilled by Jesus.  I wanted to bring revelation to there inward parts, their minds, their souls, their spirits.

I always thought how happy God would be to have His children come home again, the return of the prodigal son.  I thought about how cool it would be not to be an adopted son of the Most High God, but to be a true son of Abraham, God's chosen people.  I imagined a smile on God's face as He placed each one on His lap, and said welcome home!  But I also knew that in His mind He would love His adopted children  just as much, after all, He is God, He is Love.

I also thought about the Body of Christ as a complete body, a Holy Church without spot or wrinkle.  God's plan complete, a Bride worthy of God.

A new Jerusalem coming down from the clouds, a new Heaven, and a new Earth.  No more fighting, no more pride, no more jealousy, no more hurt, fear, or frustration.  Just love, peace, praise and worship, to fill our hearts with eternal joy.  No more darkness, Just the light of Jesus Christ.

I still want to go, I still want to bring about that change, and I suppose it's time to put a plan together soon.  God is calling His remnant to come forth, it's time to stop talking and start doing the things that God asks us to do.

I hear your voice Lord, loud and clear.  I know that together You and I will find a way to make this happen.  I have been sidetracked by the world and its ways, but like the prodigal son, I know that Jesus Christ is my Father, my source, and my supply.

Thank you for bringing me Home!